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The Student Life Centre is located on the first floor of the Queen’s Centre (284 Earl St.) The new summer hours are 10am-2pm on Mondays – Thursday! We’re going to be open starting on May 27th (Monday).

Energy Management Policy

SLC Energy Management Policy

1.0 Public Statement

1.1 Mission Statement

In overseeing the operations of the Student Life Centre (SLC), the Alma Mater Society (AMS), the Society of Graduate & Professional Students (SGPS) and Queen’s University are committed to managing all of their operations so as to ensure that the consumption of energy occurs in the most cost-effective and sustainable manner possible while providing an uncompromising work environment in which the capacity to perform day-to-day operations and provide top-quality service to students is paramount.

1.2 Declaration of Commitment

The AMS, SGPS and SLC are committed to improving their performance in sustainability in all areas of operations and recognize the business case for improving energy efficiency. Responsible for the long-term strategy and operations of all Student Life Centre facilities on the Queen’s campus, the AMS and SGPS are responsible for upgrading, maintaining and operating the facilities in a manner seeks to maximize social, environmental and economic gains, and minimizes associated negative impacts. The AMS, SGPS and SLC will strive to follow the systematic approach outlined in the ISO 50001 specification created by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

All staff and volunteers with each respective group shall be made aware of energy consumption patterns and shall be required to comply with the Energy Management Directive unless given written permission to deviate from the policy (see section 4.0 Variance).

1.3 Objectives

This Directive is designed to manage energy consumption to the following ends:

  • To minimize unnecessary utilities expenditure;
  • To minimize consumption of energy;
  • To maximize the efficiency of energy consumption;
  • To improve working conditions and productivity;
  • To improve indoor comfort conditions for students using the SLC;
  • To minimize the emission of pollutants into the environment;
  • To promote the use of renewable energy and waste heat recovery.

1.4 Principles

This Directive was developed in accordance with the following principles:

  • Queen’s must strive to  ensure  the  longterm  well- being  of  the University campus  and  community by creating a culture of sustainability that guides everyday activities to encourage  conservation,  innovation,  and  effective use of resources  in facilities and operations, education and research, engagement and outreach (extracted from Queen’s Sustainability Strategic Framework)
  • Members of the University community shall be aware of the manner in which their activities must be conducted in order to have the least possible impact on the environment

(extracted from the University Secretariat Policy Statement on Environmental Management)

  • Queen’s will exercise leadership by reducing emissions of greenhouse gases in collaboration with our communities; will develop measurable targets using research and science; will develop achievable and practical plans to achieve reduction targets; will put in place rigorous assessment and measurement procedures; will fully disclose and be accountable for our actions.

(extracted from The University and College Presidents’ Climate Change Statement of Action for Canadasigned by Daniel Woolf in 2010)

1.5 Goals

Long Term:

  • To achieve maximum energy efficiency in the state of operations and to continually review energy management strategies to ensure maximum possible efficiency is maintained

Medium Term

  • To obtain energy services at the most economically advantageous price;
  • To consume energy in the most efficient manner possible;
  • To reduce dependence on fossil fuels and better prepare the organization for the inevitable transition to renewable energy systems;
  • To improve the quality of life associated with energy and water use e.g. air quality and temperature

Short Term

  • To manage energy consumption and provide the infrastructure necessary to decrease wasted energy and associated monetary costs at the building level;
  • To target reductions in energy and water consumption and report against these targets on an annual basis;
  • To invest in a program of energy saving measures which will maximise return on investment in order to generate funds which can be re-invested in further energy management activities;
  • To ensure investments in buildings and infrastructure are consistent with the goals outlined above.

1.6 GHG Emission Targets

The Queen’s Climate Action Plan has set viable GHG emission targets (adjusted for growth) for the university as a whole; The AMS, SGPS and SLC Operations recognize that they can benefit financially by investing in energy efficient infrastructure while participating in the Climate Action Plan through attempts to help meet the following university-wide long term reduction targets, as indicated in the draft Queen’s Climate Action Plan.

Year Target Reduction from Baseline (tCO2e)
2020 35% 20,200
2030 70% 40,400
2040 100% – climate neutrality 57,716

2.0 Internal Guidance

2.1 Heating, Cooling and Ventilation

1. Acceptable thermal conditions shall be maintained through heating and mechanical ventilation.

2. Acceptable thermal comfort criteria are based upon ASHRAE Standard 55-2004 Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy, wherein building occupants are expected to dress appropriately for each season:

Acceptable thermal comfort range = 20 to 27°C;

Building heating system target temperature = 21°C;

Building cooling system target temperature = 26°C

3. Ventilation rates will be set to maintain acceptable air quality during full occupancy and are based on ASHRAE Standard 62-2004. Demand control strategies will be implemented where possible;

4.  Building Unoccupied Hours: Outside of normal operating hours building systems will be ‘setback’ and optimized for energy conservation. This will differ between buildings but will generally be:

Minimum temperature = 15°C;

Minimum ventilation = natural ventilation

5.  Efforts should be made in order to ensure that windows are insulated (i.e. shrink wrap in short term; window replacement in longer term)

7. Portable heaters or A/C units are not to be used without approval from the SLC Facility Officer.

2.2 Lighting

8.  Acceptable lighting levels are based upon guidelines from the most recent edition of the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) Lighting Handbook;

9. Building users are expected to switch off lighting when leaving a room unoccupied.

10. Photo and motion detectors shall be implemented where deemed appropriate by the Physical Plant Services Energy Engineer

2.3 Information Technology

11.  Staff and student group units shall maximize opportunities for server virtualization;

12.  Staff and student group units shall adjust power settings to maximise energy savings. The following power settings shall be used for computers:

  • Monitor and CPU set to enter Sleep mode after 5-15 minutes of inactivity;
  • CPU set to enter Standby or Hibernate mode after 30 minutes of inactivity;

13.  Computers and ancillary electronic equipment (e.g. printers) shall be turned off when not in use.

2.4 Other Electronics

15.  Electronic equipment shall be turned off when not in use;

16.  Refrigerators, microwaves and coffee makers shall not be used in individual work spaces without permission from the SLC Facilities Officer.

3.0 Implementation

The guidelines in this Directive will be implemented for all SLC Buildings within the Queen’s University Campus, including:

1) The John Deutsch Centre (JDUC)

2) The Queen’s Centre

3) MacGillivray-Brown Hall

The SLC Operations Manager will take the lead role in applying the guidelines to building operation practices.

4.0 Energy Management Committee

The Energy Management Committee will be tasked with monitoring energy consumption patterns in SLC Buildings and proposing utilities management initiatives, reporting as a subcommittee of the Student Life Centre Council. The Committee will consist of:

  1. The AMS Environment and Sustainability Commissioner (chair)
  2. The SLC Facilities Officer
  3. The SLC Operations Manager
  4. The SGPS Sustainability Coordinator

Ex officio members shall be required to consult with the Committee in an advisory capacity but shall not be required to attend regular Committee meetings. Ex officio members will consist of

  1. The AMS Student Life Managing Director
  2. The University Energy Engineer

The committee shall be required to submit an annual report to Student Life Centre Council, to be presented at the last Council meeting of each academic year.

5.0 Additional Information

The campus community is encouraged to comment on this policy. Please forward comments to the SLC Facilities Officer (

6.0 Acknowledgments

The template for this Directive was based off of the Energy Policy adopted by the University of British Columbia (UBC).

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