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The Student Life Centre is located on the first floor of the Queen’s Centre (284 Earl St.) Our front desk is open on weekdays 8am – 10pm and weekends 11am – 8pm

Signage Policy

 Student Life Centre Signage Policy

1. Authorization:

  1. Prior authorization to post or distribute materials must be obtained at the SLC Office, located in JDUC room 144.
  2. The posting and distribution of materials shall also be subject to any guidelines implemented by the SLC Office regarding, for example, quality and size of paper, number of posters, duration of posting, method of posting and removal.
  3. Any material posted or distributed in contravention of university or departmental policies shall be removed and discarded by the Information Office staff, university security or custodial services personnel. The individual or organization responsible for the violation shall be liable for the costs of removal and disposal.
  4. Individuals or groups who post or distribute material in contravention of this policy may have their posting or distribution privileges suspended by the Information Office.

2. Authorized Groups for Posting and Distribution:

  1. Recognized university organizations, i.e., university faculties, schools, departments and services, faculty and staff associations and union locals, student organizations recognized by the AMS or SGPS;
  2. External organizations sponsored by recognized university organizations

3. Affiliation

  1. Anonymous communication shall not be permitted.
  2. The individual or organization responsible for disseminating the information shall be identified on all materials.

4. Authorized Zones:

  1. Materials shall be posted only on notice boards, in display cases or in other designated locations.
  2. Materials must not be posted on any other surface, including, but not limited to, walls, columns, doors, windows, floors, elevators, building exteriors, sidewalks, emergency telephones, light standards and trees.
  3. Chalk marking is not permitted on any JDUC or Queen’s Centre building surface (e.g. walls, doors, pillars). Any chalking will be treated in the same manner as graffiti and immediately removed. Charges associated with such removal will then be invoiced to the offending group or individual.

5. Code of Conduct:

  1. All materials posted or distributed shall comply with the Queen’s University Code of Conduct. Specifically prohibited, therefore, are any materials deemed:
  1. To demean or expose to ridicule individuals or groups based on, but not limited to, grounds of sex, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, national origin, creed, or (dis)Ability;
  2. To be obscene;
  3. To incite hatred or violence

6. Off-Campus Licensed Events:

  1. Notices which advertise off-campus licensed events shall be permitted subject to the following conditions:
  1. The event is sponsored by a recognized university organization
  2. The event is held in a licensed location
  3. The name of the venue is subordinate to the name of the sponsoring organization and the title of the event
  4. The poster complies with the regulations of the LLBO

7. Campus Elections/Referenda:

  1. Materials related to campus elections and referenda shall comply with the electoral rules of the relevant governing body
  2. The posting and distribution of materials by candidates or their agents in federal, provincial, or municipal elections shall not be permitted other than as required by law.

8. Language:

  1. Individuals or groups wishing to post or distribute materials in a language other than either of Canada’s official languages must present an English or French translation of the text to the authorizing office.

9. Authorized Zones:

  1. Materials shall be posted only on notice boards, in display cases or in other designated locations.
  2. Materials must not be posted on any other surface, including, but not limited to, walls, columns, doors, windows, floors, elevators, building exteriors, sidewalks, emergency telephones, light standards and trees.
  3. Chalk marking is not permitted on any JDUC or Queen’s Centre building surface (e.g. walls, doors, pillars). Any chalking will be treated in the same manner as graffiti and immediately removed. Charges associated with such removal will then be invoiced to the offending group or individual.
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